Buddhist websites



SuttaCentral contains early Buddhist texts, known as the Tipiṭaka or “Three Baskets”. This is a large collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha or his earliest disciples, who were teaching in India around 2500 years ago. They are regarded as sacred canon in all schools of Buddhism.

There are several Buddhist traditions, and each has passed down a set of scriptures from ancient times. SuttaCentral is specially focused on the scriptures of the earliest period of Buddhism, and hosts texts in over thirty languages. We believe this is the largest collection of early Buddhist texts ever made.

SuttaCentral hosts the texts in orginal languages, translations in modern languages, and extensive sets of parallels that show the relationship between them all.

Theravada websites


Access to Insight

Access to Insight is an HTML website dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down to us through both the written word of the Pali canon and the living example of the Sangha.

Barre Center for Buddhist Studies manages the website.

Amaravati Buddhist Monastery

Thai Forest Tradition and teachings of Ajahn Chah. Website offers free video, audio, and literary resources, e.g. ebooks, podcasts.


This site offers an extensive collection of English translations of suttas from the Pāli Canon, as well as a multitude of free downloads of Dhamma from the Kammaṭṭhāna (or Thai Forest) Tradition of Buddhism. Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu of Metta Forest Monastery is the speaker, author or translator unless otherwise noted.

Forest Sangha

This Forest Sangha website integrates the two previously separate sites: www.forestsangha.org and www.forestsanghapublications.org. It serves as a portal to an association of branch monasteries of Wat Pah Pong in NE Thailand. This worldwide community of monasteries grew out of the first generation of Western disciples of Venerable Ajahn Chah; the website aims to support the free distribution of teachings from this tradition.

Theravada Teachers and Teachings

On this page you can find the best resources for exploring scholarly and popular perspectives on important teachers and teachings in the Theravada tradition of Buddhism.